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Spring Cleaning But Make it Design


Updated: Apr 4, 2022

The sun's gleaming, the birds are chirping and allergies are at an all time high, surprise spring has arrived! The good news is that it doesn’t have to be a long and dreadful task. It’s all in the plan and design of course! Keep in mind, spring cleaning differs for everyone. Not only do you have unique spaces but your cleaning pace will differ from friends, and family. Here are some tips ranging from decluttering, to organizing, too physically cleaning the space. Dive in deep there’s a good chance you'll pick up some design tips or two to add to your to-do list. Don’t forget to follow our hashtag #FollowingFlawless on Instagram !

Take it One Day at a Time !

When it comes to cleaning your house, go room by room. It doesn’t have to be done in a day! It's better to be thorough, rather than try to rush through it. Make a cleaning list for each room and cross off tasks as you go.


If you didn’t wear it, or use it last season, you probably won’t this summer.”

Taking time to go through your stuff and determine if you really need it will set you up for success. Spring cleaning is not only about cleaning the areas we don't typically clean, it's also about changing out winter clothing, accessories, and toys for the summer. Switching over these items gives you a chance to visually see what you need and don’t need. If you didn’t wear it, or use it last season, you probably won’t this summer.

Functional Storage

“Being selective on the type of furniture you incorporate in a room is key.”

The most important thing to remember when selecting storage options is to keep items on the floor to a very minimum.So being selective on the type of furniture you incorporate in a room is key. For example using shelves opens up the possibility to incorporate bins, baskets and even stacking. Another option is to think vertically and bounce items off the walls such as adding a peg wall in the garage for sports equipment and tools. Or you can lie low in the bedroom and put seasonal or unused items in a rolling storage drawer under the bed. Just remember, incorporating functional storage ensures that every item has a designated spot.

Stylish Containers

“I beg of you, keep the acrylics to a minimum and let’s spice it up”

When it comes to investing in new organizers, we're always looking for the best options. It's no secret that these handy products aren't always the most attractive.However, there are some brands and sites that actually carry stylish and minimal options. A few favorite brands are Open Spaces, West Elm, and Yamazaki Home, you'll be surprised you lived without these for so long. #FlawlessFavorites

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